This sample table has a tfoot

Recent Payments
Date Payee Amount
Total $5,000
1/1/2012 Me 500.00
1/2/2012 Myself 500.00
1/3/2012 I 500.00
1/4/2012 Him 500.00
1/5/2012 Them 500.00
1/6/2012 Her 500.00
1/7/2012 They 500.00
1/8/2012 Us 500.00
1/9/2012 Everyone 500.00
1/10/2012 Nobody 500.00

Source code

<table summary="there have been $5,000 in this months payments">
  <caption>Recent Payments</caption>
  <!-- start with thead -->
    <th scope="col">Date</th>
    <th scope="col">Payee</th>
    <th scope="col">Amount</th>
  <!-- then include a tfoot -->
    <th scope="row" colspan="2">Total</th>
  <!-- now the tbody -->

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This short video shows how this page is read by VoiceOver with Safari Table with tfoot.