This page includes various interactive elements to see which ones will work with a spacebar instead of the enter key.
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Dylan Barrell points out that the space bar could be used with a link that has role="button" if javascript listens for the key code. Billy Gregory points out that JAWS supports links with role="button" work. Sam explains that JAWS triggers the onClick via spacebar when it has virtual cursor on a link.
What HTML elements are successfully triggered by spacebar? I started a list: What am I missing?
— ted_drake (@ted_drake) November 12, 2014
@dylanbarrell @ted_drake JAWS kind of automagically handles role="button" on links now. Check the link example with JAWS. spacebar works.
— Billy Gregory (@thebillygregory) November 13, 2014
@thebillygregory @dylanbarrell @ted_drake JAWS fires the onClick when space is pressed and the virtual cursor is on a link. @JonAvilaSSB
— Sam J (@mixolydian) November 13, 2014
Making pseudo-buttons work with JavaScript
Steve Faulkner shows how to listen to the enter key and space bar to make sure pseudo-buttons will work correctly.
3. B. expected keyboard behaviour for buttons
A native HTML button has 2 keys associated with it that will operate it: The enter key and the space. You will need to add scripting that listens for these keys being pressed and activates the custom button action.
HTML5 Accessibility Chops: Just use a (native HTML) button<img src="button.gif" alt="search" role="button" tabindex="0" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==32||event.keyCode==13){ alert('submitted') };" onclick="alert('submitted');" >