Testing required radio buttons

This page tests the ability to pre-check and require radio inputs

A required set of radio buttons

Nothing is checked in advance. This will require the user to select an option.

nothing checked, but required

Nothing is required or checked

There's nothing pre-checked and the user doesn't have to modify this set.

nothing checked, nothing required

One is pre-selected, it's not required

This group has one element pre-selected. But the group is not required.

One checked, nothing required

Selected and required

This group has a pre-selected option and the group is required. The user doesn't have to change anything if they want to accept the default.

One checked, required

Defining a radio group is invalid

Setting aria-invalid on fieldset

VoiceOver and Safari does not announce this. I haven't tested yet in other screen readers

Delivery Option

Setting aria-invalid on single radio button

This only announces the invalid state on the first radio button

Delivery Option

Setting aria-invalid on each radio button

While requiring additional work, this works.

Delivery Option

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